Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Writing Empire Strikes Back

The Hidden History of The Empire Strikes Back

An early dinosaur-like Tauntaun

In 1978 Lucas had raised millions dollars of his own money to produce a sequel to Star Wars. This went against the rule that a producer should never invest their own money in one of their films, but Lucas did not want to deal with a studio. Lucas had everything on the line and would go bankrupt if his film wasn’t a success.

Like the previous film, Empire was a work in progress and the first script is quite different from the final movie. In the first draft, Luke actually meets his father when he’s on Dagobah (Not Vader). Consider this passage:

LUKE’S FATHER- You’ve grown well, Luke.  I’m proud of you. Did your uncle ever speak to you about Nelith?

Dagobah Spider
LUKE - Nellith?  No.  Who is she?

LUKE’S FATHER - Your sister.

LUKE - My sister?  I have a sister?  But why didn’t Uncle Owen….

LUKE’S FATHER- It was my request.  When I saw the Empire closing in, I sent you both away for your own safety, far apart from each other.

LUKE - Where is she? 

LUKE’S FATHER - If I were to tell you, Darth Vader could get that information from your mind and use her as a hostage.  Not yet, Luke.  When it’s time…. Luke.  Will you take, from me, the oath of a Jedi knight?

Concept art of "Minch"
[Slowly, proudly, Luke draws his light saber and activates it, bringing it to the salute.  Skywalker does the same.  Ben and Minch also raise their sabers, standing by as witnesses.]

LUKE’S FATHER - I, Luke Skywalker…. (Luke repeats after him at suitable intervals)
….do swear on my honor, and on the faith of the brotherhood of knights, to use the Force only for good, turning always from the Dark Side, to dedicate my life to the cause of freedom, and justice.  If I should fail of this vow, my life shall be forfeit, here and hereafter.

[The four sabers touch, a kind of ceremonial amen.]

(Notice here that Yoda’s original name was MINCH. In another draft he was actually called BUFFY)

This passage proves once again that Lucas never had a grand plan. He changed things as he went along. 
The rise & fall of Anakin (what some people would call the heart of Star Wars) is not present here. Luke’s father is not Vader. Leia is not his sister.

Imagine if Lucas had included this scene. Imagine if Empire was a failure and Lucas lost all of his money. What if Return of the Jedi was never made? It’s questions like these that baffle me when I read the above passage.

Vader's Castle
Other interesting things from the first script:
-Vader lives in a Castle surrounded by Lava and has pet gargoyles
-Leia tells Luke that she doesn’t love him, that she loves Han instead
-Han gets mad at Luke and tells him “You’re not a Jedi Knight and you never will be!”
-Even Vader teases Luke because Leia likes Han Solo better
-Han does not get frozen in Carbonite
-Wampas attack Echo Base

The script is full of horrible dialogue and is generally unreadable but knock-yourself-out if you would like: http://starwarz.com/starkiller/2010/05/the-empire-strikes-back-first-draft-by-leigh-brackett-transcript/

Next Time: IRVIN KERSHNER – The man who would save Star Wars

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