Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Star Wars Eve

Time is a funny thing, isn’t it?

One moment you think that there won’t be another Star Wars film in your lifetime, the next moment Lucas sells Star Wars to Disney, a moment later J.J. is attached to direct and then suddenly… here we are, on Star Wars eve.

And we need to enjoy this moment. We need to enjoy the day that “The Force Awakens” releases. We will never see its like again.

I saw a girl dressed as Ben Kenobi for Halloween this year. Not “Obi-Wan Kenboi”, mind you, but Ben Kenobi as portrayed by Alec Guinness. I  leaned over to my wife and told her, “This is the last year you will ever see a little girl dressed as Ben Kenobi.

This isn’t because we are getting a new trilogy. It’s because we are getting multiple new trilogies and multiple spin-off films in our life time. Future generations will forget about the originals. I mean, really, when is the last time you watched “Dr. No”.

Time moves on. Generations move on. Films are forgotten. New things, if it’s good enough, (especially if they are great) can make old things obsolete.

The original Star Wars movie is getting old. Some might even call it “Middle Aged”.  Even to the eyes of the fans it begins to lose it’s charm. Let’s admit it, we are looking forward to “The Force Awakens” because we are yearning for a modern Star Wars film.

The fans will soon get what they want. What they have always wanted since “Return of the Jedi”. Even if you loved the prequels… what the fans have always wanted are the continued adventures of Luke, Leia, Han, and Chewie. And here we are, 32 years later, getting what we’ve wanted- for 32 bloody years.

We will never have to wait that long again. This moment right now is special. So let’s cherish it. Because before we know it time will move on again.

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