Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Live Blog! The Freemaker Adventures Day 2

Well... Here we go again. Not sure if anyone else is watching this Disney Lego Star Wars half-hour kids show. But here is the live blog for Episode 2: The Mines of Graballa

0:00 - Well evil-double-crossing master is back and training Rowan. They are looking for the pieces of the lost McGuffin saber.

1:50- Oh boo. I thought they were going to pull his arms off.

2:10- Score 3 points for the Bechdel Test. (Actually not too many Star Wars movies can claim that)

3:30- Oh no... Rodgers gone... sarcastic worry is overflowing from me...

4:15- A little science. The asteroid belt in our galaxy is nothing like this one. Asteroids are actually millions of miles apart and almost never crash into each other or anything else.

5:50- This reminds me of that scene where C-3PO got his head swapped with a battle droid. That scene was the worse!

7:40- Wait. Her Tattoos change color when she's mad? How long until we have that technology? Beats those emotion-cat-ear things.

8:10- According to Wookieepedia these are Iktotchi. Same species as Saesee Tin. Always keep a Wookieepedia window open for stuff like this!

8:50- IG-89... That's pretty good.

Commercial Break

13:00- Jabba the Hutt and Nathan Lane the Hutt?

13:40- And a Toydarian! Never use mind tricks on those guys! I always liked Watto. Wonder if we'll ever see him again.

14:50- Dengar with a Ewok teddy.. That's pretty good too.

Although an Ewok with a Dengar teddy would be better

16:30- Didn't Simon Pegg voice Dengar in the Clone Wars cartoon? This probably isn't him...

18:25- And it's a Nexu. I'm pretty sure any cat that size would be just as dangerous as a Nexu. That is why I don't own cats.

Commercial Break 2

22:30 - Hanging upside down from chains looks like a more natural method of capture than that weird floaty blue-stuff that Dooku kept captured Obi-Wan in.

24:30- Do you ever think that post-70's Star Wars took Obi-Wan too literally? Like maybe the mind trick works on most people and Obi-Wan was just dissing the Storm Troopers.

26:10- "The Force Theme". Hard to argue with that awesomeness.

27:30- Star Wars has a history of Black actors voicing characters that aren't Black... interesting

28:35- Two Thumbs... That's pretty good (That's three points for this show)

29:20- So, Nathan Lane The Hutt is the big baddie of this show? Who wants to bet that Sith Girl turns good by the end of this series.

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