Sunday, February 4, 2018

"Solo" Trailer Review

The "Solo" teaser trailer premiered early in the Superbowl coverage. Here is a shot by shot breakdown.

:3 - A dark imperial facility. Quite possibly an Academy.

:8-A Star Destroyer making its way through some sort of nebula. Possibly part of the Kessel run.

:10-A new TIE fighter. Possibly a TIE bomber.

:16-Humanoid worker droids. Possibly on Kessel. Is this what Threepio was scared of?

:17-Certainly sounds like a young Solo. I think Han did join the Imperial Academy in the old expanded universe, and that seems to be what is happening here.

:26-Emilia Clarke wearing earrings. She certainly doesn’t look like she’s in the Star Wars galaxy.

:28-A really cool monorail. I am digging the design of this film. It may be grittier than Rogue One.

:29-A very quick shot of Woody Harrelson. He looks the part of a Star Wars character. The costume suits him.

:30-A club. I think I spot at least one Twi’lek among the dancers.

:31-There’s that train again. Reminds me of the train heist sequence in the Shadows of the Empire N64 game. I guess it’s about time we get a train heist in a Star Wars movie. What is that thing that someone is fighting? What kind of weapon does it have?

:32-Lando: looking very John-Snow-like. I’m glad they didn’t just cut and paste his cloud city costume onto him.

:34-We only really see the back of the Falcoln in this teaser trailer. For the full design you’ll have to look at those leaked Lego photos.

:37-And finally Alden Ehrenreich as Han Solo. His face is obscured, so we don’t get the full effect. Can he actually pull this off?

:42-Han and Chewie at the end. Somehow that shot doesn’t jive with the rest of what we see. The tone is quite different. Maybe it’s because they dubbed that Wookiee howl over it.

Well, the film certainly seems to have a darker tone. But I can’t think of any Ron Howard movies without humor and joy, so that shouldn’t be too concerning. There is nothing worrying in this trailer (ie Nothing Porg-like). Hearing Ehrenreich’s dialogue does give me hope that he can pull off a young Han Solo. What did you all think?


  1. I don't know. I just can't make myself get excited for this, although I'll probably take the bus to Hong Kong to see it on opening day. After the brilliant risk-taking of TLJ, I'm afraid this is just going to be fly safely down the middle, especially with Ron Howard in the captain's chair.

    If they'd kept Lord and Miller, I think I would be more excited, because I wouldn't know what to expect. I feel like there won't be any big surprises in this one. And I say that as a fan of Howard's movies.

    Regarding the trailer, the sound was really wonky for the "I want to be a pilot, the best in the galaxy" bit. I had to listen to it several times, and ended up turning on the closed captioning to get the "best in the galaxy" part. But I do like the gritty aesthetic.


    1. Thanks Nate,

      I think the script is the same for the Lord / Miller treatment and the Howard treatment. Howard took over very late in the game. They were in the middle of filming. Lord / Miller were removed because Kasdan was pissed that they weren't sticking to the script. Also the daily footage was coming back and Kennedy was not impressed.

      A change in directors does not necessarily spell disaster. Pixar movies frequently go through director changes.

      Who knows if this thing will be any good, but the trailer is cool. So that's a plus.
