Saturday, December 25, 2021

Life Day #1

Since 1978, Life Day has been a part of the Star Wars Galaxy (though Lucasfilm has rarely acknowledged the holiday). Still, since the Disney acquisition Life Day has had a little more light shed on it. Happy Life Day everyone! 

Always remember:
Celebrate the light; Celebrate the might; Celebrate the fight; Celebrate the love.

“Life Day”

Captain Han Solo has lost his ship and his co-pilot. Kanjiklub has taken them both. Figures. This kind of stuff always happens on Life Day. But can Han save the day with a little bit of sleight of hand and some alcoholic beverages for good measure?

“Deck the Halls”

Nib Assek and her padawan Burryaga have arrived on Kashyyyk for Life Day and something is amiss. A mysterious vendor has sold tree ornaments to the Woookiees, however the ornaments are actually Drengir eggs.

“Paid on Delivery”

It’s Life Day and Chewbacca has found himself selling goods to Trandoshans. What more, the Trandoshans are using Wookiee slaves to mine chmeicla weapons harvested from the gut of a Sarlacc. Needless to say this does not sit well with Chewie. 

“Gift of Light”

There is an Imperial agent on Kudo and the locals are fighting back using secret messages encoded in the carols of children.  Can R2 and 3-PO save Life Day by couriering these messages back to their masters?

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