Saturday, February 12, 2022

Aliens of The Book of Boba Fett (part 1)


Klatoonians first appeared in the film “Return of the Jedi” as a species with a face similar to a Grey Hound. The species most recently appeared on screen as the marauders of planet Sorgan in Chapter 4 of the Mandalorian.
Klatooinians often worked as henchmen and bounty hunters. They were close associates to the Hutts for much of galactic history. The Klatooinians even worshipped the Hutts as god-like beings (partly due to the fact that the Hutts had an extensive lifespan).

Trandoshans first appeared in the film The Empire Strikes Back in the form of Bossk, the dinosaur-faced bounty hunter. Most recently they appeared in Chapter 2 of the Mandalorian. The Trandoshans in the Mandalorian  had a slightly different design, with much smaller snouts than Bossk. In the Book of Boba Fett, they now bear a closer resemblance to the original Bossk design.

Trandoshans are known as the greatest hunters in the Galaxy. More often than not, the prey they hunt is Wookiees. Trandoshans have the rare ability to grow their lost limbs back.


Known as Walrus Man on the set of A New Hope and in the 70s toy-line, Ponda Baba was the first Aqualish to appear in the Star Wars franchise. Most recently the species was featured in The Mandalorian. 

The Aqualish were an intelligent species from planet Ando that varied in appearance. The Aquala were more adapted to a aquatic lifestyle and could be identified by two giant fins on the end of their arms. The Ualaq were arachnid-like with four eyes and five fingers who lived mostly on land. Finally the Quara were mammal like and their arms resembled wolf men (such as the Shistavanen). All Aqualish have bulbous tusks that protrude from their faces.


Nikto first appeared in Return of the Jedi, but have most recently been featured in The Mandalorian. In the book of Boba Fett, Nikto are featured as part of the Kintan Striders biker gang.

The Nikto are a species with many subspecies, which makes them hard to identify. The most common Nikto on screen are the “Red Nikto” (Kajain'sa'Nikto) and the “Green Nitko” (Kadas'sa'Nikto). Nikto tend to have spikes and horns on their faces.


Tusken Raiders are  one of the most identifiable races in Star Wars. In The Book of Boba Fett we learn they have been on Tatooine since before the oceans dried

The Tuskens lived in nomadic clans who believed that the sparse water in the desert has been promised to them alone. Moisture farmers, who stole the water from the ground, were a direct threat to Tusken culture and it was for this reason that clans would sometimes attack farmers.

 The Pyke were introduced in the animated series "Clone Wars". They first appeared in live action form for the film Solo. The Pyke Syndicate are the main antagonists in The Book of Boba Fett and appear maskless for the first time in live action. 

Though the Pyke homeworld was Oba Diah, many members of the species spent time on Kessel where spice was mined. The Pykes were, however, allergic to the Kessel atmosphere and had to wear special armor and breathing tubes while on planet.

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