Like most 90s kids, I had a lot of Lego. And when Star Wars Lego started coming out in 1999, I had those sets too. When I entered High School, Lego was no longer a part of my life, but interestingly enough it was Star Wars that brought me back to Lego. "Lego: Star Wars: The Original Trilogy" came out in 2006, and it was amazing! My brother and I played through both The Prequel Trilogy and The Original Trilogy. Years later I even played through Lego Star Wars III: The Clone Wars. And of course Lego: The Force Awakens comes out next week. I'm gonna have to drop some money on that (even though I probably shouldn't).

Anyway, I haven't really seen any Lego Star Wars movies / TV shows. I've heard they are funny... to five year olds? Not sure.
So my plan is to live-blog at least the first 4 episodes of "Lego Star Wars: The Freemaker Adventures" Disney's second Star Wars show since they acquired the Star Wars franchise. So if you want to read this as you watch this show or even if you don't want to watch the show, just the cliff notes. Here we go.
0:00 Vader is pitching a new "Death Star" to Palpatine. Who voices this Palpatine? Is it Seth Mcfarlane?
1:20 Ahh... The Kyber Saber. Apparently this thing might be considered some sort of loose canon for the franchise now. Apparently this is the first lightsaber ever built
2:50 So it looks like Kordi, Zander, and Rowan are the sibling stars of this series. I know someone who wants to name their first son "Rowan". These kids are salvagers (sort of like Rey, but they have a ship).
4:25 Can Aqualish really speak basic with those butts on their faces? Also aren't they suppose to be like under-water creatures? I think they would probably really speak like whales.
5:50 Kids building Lego ships are actually the stars of this show. Kids made out of Lego building Lego.
6:30 And here is the Battle Droid. Hands down worse part of the prequel-era. Who voices these things? They should feel bad about themselves. I hope they get paid well for this nonsense.
7:30 Is blue milk really from Banthas? I think it might be. So much canon, only so much room in brain.
8:30 Is this kid going to turn out to be a force user? I wish we could get a Star Wars show / movie without a force user. It's kind of a predictable at this point.
Commercial Break
13:00 And we are back. I wonder how the dianoga got into the Death Star trash compactor? I guess the Empire uses them to break down trash. But don't they get squished when the walls close in around them?
14:00 "One of the few left" Don't believe it. If you take a look at all the books, comics, games, Tv, etc. you would find hundreds of Jedi that survived the Clone Wars... so where were they when the Rebels fought the Empire? Who knows?
15:40 Here is some mythology (apparently now canon).

16:50 Does the lightsaber really magnify Jedi powers? I thought it was just a laser sword. It guess this one is more like a glass sword.
18:00 Emperor Palpatine's theme. I can tell where this show is going. Can anyone say "McGuffin"?
Commercial Break #2
22:45 Back! "Levitating underage kids to keep them from running home is what Jedi do"
23:30 All the work Force Awakens did to make Stormtroopers cool again... is now being undone
24:15 Side Note: What is up with Face Tattoos anyway? I think that Jedi and Sith are really just weird cults that teach kids not to love anybody except for the Force... never mind
25:15 Didn't really mind "Chopper" from Rebels, but this "Rodger" guy is just another Jar Jar
26:00 Did the Emperor lose his lightsaber after "Revenge of the Sith"? Is that why he needs a new one?
26:50 Eh... I don't trust her
27:15 Jedi doing what Jedi do best. Stealing from people... (see Qui-Gon in Phantom Menace)
28:00 You! It's you I don't trust!
28:30 Called it! I so called it!
29:00 Sith Eyes. Never really was on board this those. Hope they don't turn up in the sequel trilogy.
29:30 Well that's it until tomorrow! See you then!
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