Saturday, June 25, 2016

Who is Saw Gerrera?

    What does it take to be a Star Wars fan? Do you need to be a fan of all the films? The prequels included? Do you need to watch the TV shows? Read the books? Read the comics?

            The short and easy answer is you don’t need to consume any media to be a Star Wars fan. There are kids who have never even seen a Star Wars film who are still Star Wars fans.

            But as someone who writes a Star Wars blog, I try to keep up with the Expanded Universe. I have to admit, I have been failing to do so. I haven’t read any of the new Star Wars Marvel comics yet and I’m still trying to catch up on Star Wars: Rebels Season 2. And as for Star Wars: Clone Wars- I never finished it. Struggled through the first 3 seasons. Didn’t care for it. Never finished it.

            But now when I hear that “Saw Gerrera” is going to be in Rogue One, I admit I am lost. So who is “Saw Gerrera”? Time to dig out those unwatched episodes of “Clone Wars” everyone.

            It turns out Saw was originally intended to be a character in “Star Wars: Underworld” an unproduced live action Star Wars TV show. Over 50 scripts had been written for the show by various writers including Ronald D. Moore but Lucasfilm never had the money to produce it. When the show was shelved, Saw Gerrera was shelved with it.

            Yet Saw didn’t stay shelved forever. He was introduced to Star Wars fans during the fifth season of Clone Wars. And because I write a Star Wars blog and want to make sure I keep up on these things I decided to watch the Saw Gerrera episodes of Clone Wars. The following video is a summary of Clone Wars Season 5: Episodes 2-5

"Who Is?" Series

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