Friday, March 15, 2019

The Handmaidens of "Queen's Shadow"

“Queen’s Shadow”, the recently released novel from E.K. Johnston, is as much about Padmé’s handmaidens than they are about Padmé herself. The novel gives us new insights into background characters that most people never gave a second thought.


I will not be signing any treaty, Viceroy, because you've lost!

Sabé (born Tsabin) was Amidala’s primary decoy during the Invasion of Naboo. She was also the second most important character in the novel “Queen’s Shadow” and one could even make the argument that the title of the book refers specifically to Sabé.

After the end of Amidala’s reign, Padmé sent Sabé to Tatooine to free slaves, specifically Shmi Skywalker. Sabé, however, finds no trace of Shmi and determines that Watto has already sold her to some farmer. After Padmé’s death, Sabé changed her identity in order to investigate the mysterious events that claimed the life of her Queen.

Sabé was played by a young Keira Knightly in The Phantom Menace. I was said the Keira Knightly and Natalie Portman were so similar under costume and make-up that even Portman's mother couldn’t tell the two apart.


“You could have more of an impact if you were in the Senate. You could help more planets.”

Eirtaé was Amidala’s blonde handmaiden who travelled with the Queen to Tatooine and Coruscant during the Invasion of Naboo. Eirtaé loved both art and science. 

After Amidala’s reign, Eirtaé travelled to Otoh Gunga to improve the aquaculture.

Eirtaé was portrayed by actress Friday “Liz” Wilson in the “Phantom Menace”.


"Anakin Skywalker, to see Padmé, Your Highness."

Rabé was Amidala’s wardrobe mistress and hair stylist. Apart from than Sabé she is the only handmaiden to have lines of dialogue in “The Phantom Menace”. Rabé was also talented at reading lips and body language. 

After Amidala’s reign Rabé went on to study music at an academy in Theed.

Rabé was portrayed by Brazilian actress Cristina da Silva


“I do not envy you that position, it sounds terrifically complicated.”

Saché was Amidala’s youngest handmaiden. She did not accompany the Queen on her mission to Tatooine or Coruscant. Instead Saché was trapped in occupied Naboo where she carried messages between resistance groups. She was eventually caught and subjected to interrogation. As a result of the interrogation, Saché would carry scars on her neck, body, and arms for the rest of her life as a reminder to Naboo citizens what she sacrificed to keep them safe. After Amidala’s reign was over Saché entered the Naboo government.
Saché was portrayed in “The Phantom Menace” by Sofia Coppola. Sofia considered George Lucas similar to an Uncle when she was growing up and asked him if she could be the film. Sofia Coppola has since went on to direct many films including “Lost in Translation” for which she was the first women to win an Oscar for “Best Director”. Although Saché is Amidala’s youngest handmaiden in canon, Coppola was the oldest actress who portrayed a handmaiden in “The Phantom Menace”.


“The Senate takes years to get anything done! You would get more done with a good ship and connections on Tatooine itself.”

Yané was another handmaiden that had to stay behind on Naboo while Amidala fled the planet. During the invasion and its aftermath, Yané volunteered to aid the orphans of Naboo. In fact, after Amidala’s reign as queen, Yané devoted her life to this cause.

Yané was portrayed by model Candice Orwell.


“I worry about you. What if they realize I'm not you?”

Dormé was born Dorra and underwent Captain Panaka’s handmaiden training while young, but instead of graduating with the other candidates, she went on to take further courses. When Padmé became a senator, Dorra was recruited as a handmaiden and became Dormé. Dormé served as a wardrobe mistress in place of Rabé.

Dormé was portrayed in “Attack of the Clones” by Australian actress Rose Byrne who has since appeared in several films such as “Bridesmaids”, “Juliet, Naked”, and the X-Men franchise.


"M'lady, I'm so sorry. I've failed you, Senator."

Cordé was born Cordyn on the planet of Naboo. Though, she was a candidate for Panaka’s handmaiden training, she did not make the final cut because she was not skilled in combat. Cordyn did, however, resemble Padmé quite a bit, and when Padmé became a senator, Cordyn was recruited. It didn’t take long for Cordé to learn Padme’s mannerisms and copy her movements. She served as an excellent decoy for many years, until a bounty hunter named Zam Wessel bombed Padmé’s shuttle. Cordé, who was dressed as Padmé at the time, sadly lost her life in the explosion.

Cordé was portrayed by Mexican actress Veronica Segura who has appeared in many Mexican films and television series since “Attack Of The Clones”


“I’m not entirely sure he’s thinking politically”

After agreeing to serve on the Senate, Mariek Panaka suggested that her niece, Versaat, might be right for a handmaiden. Versaat was a talented slicer and changed her name to Versé to honor Padme’s former role as queen. Versé lost her life when the bounty hunter Zam Wesell bombed Padme’s shuttle.

Versé was portrayed by Avril Wynne who has performed stunts in many films including the Matrix franchise and “Mad Max: Fury Road”.

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