Sunday, March 10, 2019

Aliens of “The Last Jedi”

“The Last Jedi” is full of new alien species and creatures, many of which are found on the Casino world of Canto Bight. It is unfortunate, however, that we have very limited information about the Alien species found in this film. Only one new “Last Jedi” sentient species was featured in the recently published “Star Wars: Alien Archive”. The limited information that we do know about some of these species comes primarily from the novel “Canto Bight”.


The mysterious avian-like species known as Lanai are native to the oceanic world of Ahch-To. The female Lanai were known as the Caretakers and they would spend their time watching over the original Jedi Temple on Temple Island. The females wore traditional white robes and headdresses.

The males were known as the Visitors and they would spend their time away at sea hunting and gathering food and supplies. Once a month the Visitors would return to Temple Island with the gathered resources and a festival would be held. Some believed that the Lanai shared a common ancestor with the diminutive Porg species.

In the film “The Last Jedi”, only the female Lanai ever appeared onscreen. However, the male Lanai appear in deleted scenes. Rian Johnson describes the Lanai language as "a blubbery sort of Scottish fish talk."


The Suerton were a reptilian species with wide mouths and eyes that were almost always closed. Though the species appeared blind, their luck was not blind.

It was established in the novel “Canto Bight” that Suertons had the ability to subconsciously affect probability, which made them appear to be lucky. This fact was reiterated in the novel, “Pirate’s Price”

Dodibin Thodibin and Wodibin are the Suerton brothers who appear in “The Last Jedi”. Wodibin is portrayed by Warwick Davis who frequently portrays characters with W names including Wald, Weazel, Weteef, Wollivan, and Wicket W. Warwick.


The Xi’Dec were a varied insectoid species from the planet Stic. The planet Stic was an erratic place prone to frequent climate and geological changed. The Xi’Dec species evolved a very odd way to deal with those changes, in that their gender would evolve into one of around 180 physical forms.

Some Xi’Dec were natural warriors, while others were workers and still more messengers. Some Xi’Dec crawled on many limbs, while others resembled humanoids and walked upright. When Xi’Dec were ready to  reproduced, egg sacs would form all over their bodies and continue to grow until a suitable mate was found.

Thought Xi’Dec were first mentioned in the 1989 book “Galaxy Guide 4: Alien Races”. The opera singer Ubbla Mollbro was the Xi’Dec who appeared in “The Last Jedi”. Ubbla was on Canto Bight in search of a mate and she traveled with a floating creature that she kept as a pet.


The Wermal were a short, pink species from the planet Werma Lesser. Similar to many species in the galaxy, a Wermal lifespan was well over a century. Wermals had three hearts and were hard workers.

Some Wermals, such as Kedpin Shoklop spent decades working in dead-end jobs such as Vaporator Sales. Kedpin Shoklop was portrayed by Warwick Davis in “The Last Jedi” but the footage ended up on the cutting room floor and Shoklop can only be spied in deleted scenes. The adventures of Kedpin Shoklop are detailed in the short story "Rules of the Game" in the anthology novel “Canto Bight”.


The Cloddagran species had four arms, nose tendrils, and ill-tempers.

Bargwill Tomder was a Cloddogran who ruled over the Fartheir stables at the Canto Bight Racetrack. Tomber employed child slaves who he would keep in line with a whip.

Two other Cloddograns appeared in the book “Pirate’s Price”

*UPDATE: July 2020*
3 More Aliens

There are so many great Aliens featured in the Canto Bight seen in "The Last Jedi". Unfortunately so many of these species are as of yet unnamed. Fortunately, in the years since this article was published we have received information about a few more of these sentient species.


Since "A New Hope" the Star Wars universe has always offered us a fair amount of diminutive beings (i.e. Jawas, Ugnaughts, Ewoks)- however "The Last Jedi" and "Rise of Skywalker" offer us some even smaller beings. The characters of Thamm, Dobbu Scay, and Babu Frik are too short to be portrayed by humans and therefore are realized by a combination of puppetry and CGI. In Dungeons and Dragons these aliens would be classified as "tiny". 

Thamm was the 'Hazard Toss' table manager at the Canto Casino. Though his species was previously unknown, it was recently revealed that Thamm belongs to the Troglof species. Troglofs appear to have eyestalks, tentacle-like arms, and are one of the smallest species in the known galaxy. Thamm was voiced by actor Warwick Davis.


The pointy-eared, frog throated alien Terrib Igmusk was a hotel concierge in "The Last Jedi", but until recently we did not know the species that Terrib Igmusk belonged to. However in 2019, identified this species as "Keteerian". 

Since their first appearance in "The Last Jedi", Keteerians have been slowly cropping up in Star Wars television. A Keteerian named Teroj Kee appeared in a Season 1 episode of "Resistance". Teroj Kee claimed to be a member of the Mining Guild but was actually a First Order agent. Another Keteerian appeared in "The Mandalorian" chapters 1 & 3.


Dobbu Scay is a tiny CG character in "The Last Jedi". The alien is hard to miss. He is drunk, rude, and mistakes BB-8 for a slot machine. The character is famously voiced by Mark Hamill, but the audience has never been given an explanation for his species.

However a video on the Star Wars Kids Youtube Channel gives us a clue to Dobbu Scay's race. According to the video "Every Language in Star Wars Movies" Dobbu Scay speaks a language called Khamarese, which means his species could possibly have a smilar sounding name such as Khamar or Khamarian.

Khamarians (if that is their name) seem to be a tiny species with furry faces. The fur extends from the ears down the sides of their face in a mutton-chop-like style. Dobbu Scay's height is comparable to Thamm & Babu Frik, however Scay is an entirely CG character while Thamm & Babu Frik are puppets.

Star Wars Aliens

The Aliens of the Cantina

The Aliens of “The Empire Strikes Back"

The Aliens of Jabba’s Palace

The Aliens of Max Rebo’s Band

The Aliens of the Battle of Endor

Flipping Heads

The Aliens of Attack of the Clones

The Aliens of Revenge of the Sith

Aliens of Podracing

Aliens of Ralph McQuarrie

Aliens of  Rogue One

Aliens of  The Last Jedi

Aliens of  Endor

The Most Obscure Aliens of the Original Trilogy

Aliens of the Mandalorian

Bonus Aliens

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