Saturday, January 2, 2021

New Years 2021


A new year often symbolizes a new direction. In 2018 I pledged to publish a blog every week for the entire year. In 2020 I pledged to limit myself to only one post a month. Both pledges ended up being challenging.

Though I did limit myself to 12 posts over 2020, I also spent the past year cleaning up my blog a little. I updated old posts with new information and I spent time creating hyperlink networks to make it easier to navigate. One more thing: I removed ads. I was never going to make any money on those ads and the site looks nicer without them.

I don't have any specific goals for this site in 2021. It is an interesting time for the Star Wars franchise. "The Rise of Skywalker" premiered in a pre-pandemic world. By coincidence, Star Wars has shifted its focus to streaming TV in a time where cinemas are closed and empty. Yet, there is hope for cinematic Star Wars in the future. "Rogue Squadron" is set to premiere in 2023. 

No mater the future of the Star Wars franchise this blog will continue. I will always have more to say about Star Wars. In the meantime here is the work I did during 2020.

The 12 Posts of 2020

 January - The Force of Warwick Davis

February -The Most Obscure Aliens of the Original Trilogy

March- The Voices from Rey's Vision

April- The Best of Trek

May- 40 Ways to Strike Back

June- Who is Valance the Hunter?

July- Top 10 Star Wars Ships

August- Comic Review "Star Wars Tales"

September- Luke's Yellow Lightsaber

October- Project Luminous

November- "From A Certain Point of View: The Empire Strikes Back"

December- The End of "The Mandalorian" is the Beginning of the Star Wars Streaming Universe

2020 Updates

May - Blue Nikto

June- Five more Troopers

July- More "Last Jedi" Aliens

July- More "Solo" Aliens

July- More TIE Fighters

July- Warwick Davis Character Update

August- Star Trek Alien Caitian

November- New Battles

November- Shadows of Vader's Castle

December- Dark Troopers

December- Star Trek Alien Edosian

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