Sunday, January 10, 2021

Aliens of the Mandalorian Season 2

Season 2 of the Mandalorian continued to include appearances of classic Star Wars aliens from the original trilogy. These aliens are a treat because so many of them are left out of the Star Wars sequels.


The cycloptic species known as Abyssin were a tribal race from the desert planet of Byss. Abyssin were seen as a violent race and communicated in a language that consisted of grunts. Like Gamoreans, many Abyssin were hired a thugs. The Abyssin also had the unique ability to quickly regenerate lost limbs. In fact every cell in the Abyssin body was replaced every 80 hours. Abyssin could live to the age of 200-300 but they would eventually lose their regenerative ability and walk out alone to the desert to die. 

A 1978 magazine identified the cyclops creature from the film “Star Wars” as a "Cyceyed" but the name didn’t stick. A 1989 sourcebook was the first to identify the species as “Abyssin” and the 1995 Customizable Card Game identified the Abyssin that appeared in the Cantina scene as “Myo”. 

In The Mandalorian Chapter 9 an Abyssin gangster known as Gor Koresh lures Din Djarin into a trap but ends up strung up from a light pole.

It is notable that the front of Jabba's throne is adorned with four sculptures of Abyssin heads. One such sculpture also appeared in the 1985 TV-movie “Ewoks: The Battle For Endor”.

Mon Calamari

The Mon Calamari species were native to the watery world of Mon Cala. The species lived in underwater cities as well as cities on land. They lived side-by-side with the Quarren species until the Clone Wars when the Quarren decided to join the Separatists.

The Mon Calamari were named after a calamari salad, which creature designer Phil Tippet was eating for lunch one day. Eight Mon Calamari masks were constructed for “Return of the Jedi” in tones of red and orange. The Mon Calamari from Rogue One (Including Admiral Raddus) have skin tones of white and grey and are said to be from the polar regions of Mon Cala.

In The Mandalorian Chapter 11 several Mon Calamari appear on the watery moon of Trask. Norwood Cheek & Frank Ippolito portrayed two of the Mon Calamari in Chapter 11.


Quarren are an obviously aquatic species who share the ocean world of Mon Cala with the Mon Calamari. Quarren could dive up to 300 meters under the oceans of Mon Cala. They also were able to spit ink from their mouths as a measure of self defense.

The Quarren species first appeared among the denizens the Jabba’s Palace in the film “Return of the Jedi”. Though the Quarren action figure was simply called “Squid Head”, a 1990 Galaxy Guide would give the name Tessek to Quarren at Jabba’s Palace.

In The Mandalorian Chapter 11 several Quarren appear on the watery moon of Trask.

Unknown Frog Species

Though "Frog Lady" appeared in the background of the Mos Eisley space cantina in the first season of The Mandalorian, most fans did not notice her. This season we were introduced to her, her mate, and her hatchlings. Though this Frog Species appears pretty weak, they actually have many survival techniques that help them navigate a dangerous galaxy. When in danger the Frog Species can hop quite quickly. Like Gungans, they have long tongues capable of quickly catching prey. They are not capable of speaking basic but are innovative and can often find other ways to communicate.

The eggs of the Frog Species are very fragile and cannot survive hyperspace. The eggs also need to be kept at warm temperatures and a female Frog can only lay so many in her lifetime. Once fertilized these eggs quickly begin to hatch into a "tadpole" stage.

"Frog Lady" was portrayed by actress Misty Rosas who also portrayed the Ugnaught Kuiil in Season 1 of the Mandalorian.


The Aqualish were an intelligent species from planet Ando that varied in appearance. The Aquala were more adapted to a aquatic lifestyle and could be identified by two giant fins on the end of their arms. The Ualaq were arachnid-like with four eyes and five fingers who lived mostly on land. Finally the Quara were mammal like and their arms resembled wolf men (such as the Shistavanen). All Aqualish have bulbous tusks that protrude from their faces.

Ponda Baba (who lost an arm to Kenobi in the Mos Eisley Cantina) is the most famous Aqualish among fans. A gang of Aqualish appear in the cold open of Chapter 12 of the Mandalorian and are taken out by Cara Dune.


The Togruta species hailed from the planet Shili where they were hunted by giant beasts such as the Akul. Shili was a planet of colorful grasslands, and the Torguta evolved features to blend in with their surroundings. Among these features were colorful skin tones, white facial pigments and stripes. Togruta features also included heads-tails similar to those of Twi’leks. Another adaptation that Torgruta sported were hollow-horns called Montrals which could echolocate, giving the species a heightened sense of their surroundings (similar to the functionality of Gotal horns).

Though Shaak Ti was the first Togruta to appear in the Star Wars franchise, the most famous is undoubtably Ahsoka Tano who became a fan favorite in the animated series "The Clone Wars" and "Rebels". Ahsoka was voiced by Ashley Eckstein in animated shows but was portrayed in live action by Rosario Dawson in Chapter 13 of the Mandalorian.


Weequay can be identified by their leathery skin, well suited for desert climates. Many males also sport long braids. Most Weequay are often quiet beings, as they primarily communicate through pheromones, however the pirate Hondo Ohnaka is known to be quite chatty.

The Weequay species was named by George Lucas himself, who paid homage to the "Moby Dick" character Queequeg. Though several Weequay appeared in “Return of the Jedi” as skiff guards, none were ever named. The first onscreen Weequay with a name is possibly Sora Bulq, a Jedi Master from “Attack of the Clones”.

W. Earl Brown portrays a Weequay bartender in Chapter 9 of the Mandalorian.


Gamorreans are not known for their intelligence. In fact their feeble-minds make them particularly loyal to whomever they serve. Gamoreans prefer melee weapons to blasters, as they consider it honorable to defeat their enemies in close combat. The male boars, in particular, were known have poor hygiene habits.

The appearance of Gamorrans in Season 2 of The Mandalorian was first teased in a December 2019 tweet from Jon Favreau. Two Gamorreans appear in a fighting area in Chapter 9 of The Mandalorian. More Gammorreans appear in Jabba's Palace after the closing credits of Chapter 16.

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