Mandalorian Wrap Up Day 3: Creatures of the Mandalorian
Mythosaur were creatures of enormous
size who roamed the planet Mandolore before even the first Mandolorians arrived
on the planet. The Mandolorians slaughtered the giant beasts and drove them to
extinction. After their extinction, Mythosaurs became an important symbol to
the Mandolorians, and many wore the sigil on their armor including the Bounty
Hunter Boba Fett.
Episodes: 1, 2, 7
Blurrgs were a two-legged
reptilian species. The species is frequently used as a beast of burden. They
specialize in traveling long distances over land and leaping over crevices in
the terrain. It is said that Male blurrgs were eaten by females after the
mating process. Blurrgs were found in various regions of the galaxy including
the Forest Moon of Endor, Ryloth, Arvala-7, and Zygerria. Blurrg first appeared
in the 1985 television film “The Battle For Endor”.
Episode: 2
Mudhorns were creatures native to the planet of Arvala-7. The creatures were large, wooly, and had a giant horn. The Mudhorn laid a single egg per clutch and the egg was wooly in the same manner as the Mudhorn fur. The Jawas of Arvala-7 found this egg to be a delicacy. In the final minutes of “The Mandalorian Chapter 8”, Din Djarin receives a Mudhorn as his signet.
The Mudhorn design is based off of a real extinct Earth creature, the Elasmotherium. This wooly rhinoceros creature roamed Eurasia 40,000 years ago.
Episode: 4
Loth-Cats were a breed of Tooka-Cats native to the planet Lothal. Galaxy wide many children enjoyed stuffed Tookas as toys. The Tooka of Lothal had a specific coloration of tan with brown spots and stripes. They were kept by citizens of Lothal not only for their company, but also to hunt Loth-Rats.
Tooka cats first appeared in “The Clone Wars” and are named for Dave Filoni’s deceased cat Tuuk
Kowakian monkey-lizard
Episodes: 1, 3
Kowakian monkey-lizards were
kept as pets by many individuals in the Galaxy. They were also sometimes eaten
as food on planets such as Nevarro. Kowakian monkey-lizards were intelligent
enough to use tools, weapons, and have a developed sense of humor. They evolved
on planet Kowak, where they shared linage with the Kowakian ape-lizard.
Episode: 5
Dewbacks are beasts of burden
native to the planet Tatooine. Though they are slow-moving, they are able to
navigate the desert wastes without tiring. These reptilian creatures were used
by Sandtroopers during the Imperial era.
In the original 1977 Star
Wars film Dewbacks were realized using a full sized animatronic puppet. The
puppet failed to function in the desert sands, so it was tucked into the
background. For the 1997 20th anniversary release many CGI Dewbacks
were animated into the original film.
Episode: 5
Banthas were large hairy
beasts native to Tatooine. Tusken Raiders domesticated Bantahs to help them
navigate the wastes of Tatooine, but also for nourishment. Bantha Milk (Blue
Milk) and Bantha Meat was an important part of a Tusken diet. Banthas were so
important to Tusken culture that every Tusken had one. When they mated, their
Banthas would also mate. When a rider died, their Bantha mount would perish
afterward from heartbreak.
Banthas were realized by costuming a female elephant named Mardji. The idea of
costuming real Earth animals to create Star Wars creatures was reused in the
film Solo (where dogs portrayed Coreillian Hounds) and in the film The Rise of
Skywalker (where horses portrayed Orabks).
Episode: 1
The giant tusked Ravinak
species lived below the ice on a frozen planet somewhere in the Galaxy. In the
first episode of The Mandolorian, a Ravinak attacks Din Djarin’s ship, The
Razor Crest. Not much else is known about the Ravinak including the name of the
planet on which it lives.
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