Daleks were the unfortunate result of a thousand year war between two societies on the planet Skaro. The Kaleds and the Thals were two warring societies that started to suffer the ill effects of nuclear weapons. Eventually, a Kaled scientist named Davros genetically modified his people to only feel aggression and power, eliminating all other emotions from their biology. Davros then mutated the Kaleds into green squids and encased them into metal shells. The Daleks race is among the most feared in the known universe.
Wherever there are people, cybermen will inevitably emerge. Cybermen are the result of humans trying to extend their natural lifespan. They have evolved on Mondas, Telos, Voga, Planet 14, and even on Earth (in some multi-verses). Cybermen are almost always silver and often want to convert all other humans to Cybermen.
Long, long ago a humanoid race called the Shobogans resided on the planet Gallifrey. At some point this race gained the ability to regenerate their bodies and manipulate time. Gallifreians became the keepers of Time itself proclaiming it their mission to protect the timelines. The Time Lords were often at war with the Daleks, until a final last great “Time War” eliminated both from the universe. However, there were pockets of survivors here and there.
Sontarans are a cloned race. It is possible they have lost the ability to reproduce without the technology of cloning. It’s also possible that cloning is just a quicker way to reproduce. Sontarans are created for one thing only, war. They often awaken into the world right before they are deployed into battle. Many will not survive their first day. Individuals are typically ruthless and do not fear death. Their one weakness is said to be a “probit vent” on the back of their neck.
Weeping Angels are one of the more feared beings in the universe. They are made of stone and can not move while being observed. However if a living being ever comes in physical contact with an angel, the angel will feed on that being’s timestream. The prey of the Angel will be sent back in time and live a full life, but can never again travel back to their own time.
Silurians and Sea Devils (also known as Homo reptilia) are creatures native to Earth. They were a peaceful race living approximately 50 million years before the evolution of humans. They were the dominant life form on the planet. Silurians ruled over the land, whilst Sea Devils ruled over the seas. Then, geological changes pushed both races deep into the Earth where they decided to hibernate until conditions were better.
The Judoon are an intimidating-looking species often employed as enforcers. Though Judoon are physically hardy, their small brains meant they had a narrow language and limited reasoning. The Judoon have two genders, with the females being identified by a stripe of hair atop their heads. The greatest dishonor for a Judoon is the loss of a horn, especially in battle.
Zygons are a shapeshifting species able to morph their bodies to look like any other being. When their planet is destroyed the surviving Zygons traveled to Earth, where they attempted to integrate themselves into the population. Eventually some Zygons and humans learned to coexist on Earth, though the existence of Zygons is still hidden from the greater population .
Ice Warriors were native to planet Mars. When Mars could no longer support life some Ice Warriors journeyed to Earth, which they aimed to conquer. Other members of the species went into deep hibernation on their home planet. Ice Warriors have a heightened sense of honor, which often drew them into wars, but also gave them the capacity for peace. At one point they were members of the Galactic Federation.
The Silence are a race that were genetically engineered by “The Church''. The members of “The Church” could confess their sins to a Silent, but once they looked away the confessers would neither remember the incident. In this way, no living being can remember what a Silent even looks like because it is not possible to recall the encounter. Eye Drives were devices specifically designed to store and maintain memories of encounters with The Silence.
Menoptera are a species which were brought to the planet Vortis. Though they were peaceful, they sometimes were forced to defend themselves against other species on Vortis, including the Zarbi. Their weapons included an Isop-tope which could decay the cells of an enemy. The Menoptera were winged and capable of flight. They also kept a fleet of space-capable vehicles.
Strictly speaking, the Slitheen are a family that hails from the Raxacoriofallapatorian species. The species is often green, but sometimes can have other pigments of skin including the orange Blathereen (rivals to the Slitheen). Slitheen hatch from eggs. In their natural form they are large, fast, and dangerous. However, Slitheen would often disguise themselves by killing a member of native population and turning the dead being into a “skin suit”. The greatest weakness of the Slitheen species was the fact that acetic acid caused them to explode.