Alright, now that we know 7, 8, & 9 are coming, I wanted to make a short list of things to keep and what things need to be given the Alderan-Treatment. Let's not have more disappointed fans:
Keep: Original Actors
The possibility of seeing Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford, & Carrie Fisher
reunited on screen as Luke, Han, & Leia is enough to make any fan as giddy as
Salacious Crumb. Yes, the actors are in their 60’s and 70’s, but we all know
Ford can still kick some ass. Lucas always planned to reunite this team, but
their contracts expired sometime during the filming of the “Jar-Jar” Trilogy.
Can you imagine if Lucas kept filming a new Star Wars every 3 years after Jedi?
(I believe this is what was originally planned) We would be on Episode 16 by
now. Talk about making up for lost time. So let’s get Ford back into the vest
and Fisher back into a slave-bikini…. or not.
Throw Out: Lucas & McCallum
If I ever have to listen to another interview with these morons I am going to barf up blue milk. I give credit to Lucas for giving us Star Wars (the first one) but talk about success changing someone. Lucas was greatest when he was trying to make the films on low budgets. Lucas was greatest when he got other people to direct his films. Lucas was greatest before Rick McCallum showed up as his ultimate “Yes Man”. These two yahoos wasted the last 20-years updating movies from the seventies and eighties and hiring actors like Hayden Christianson to ruin Darth Vader.
If I ever have to listen to another interview with these morons I am going to barf up blue milk. I give credit to Lucas for giving us Star Wars (the first one) but talk about success changing someone. Lucas was greatest when he was trying to make the films on low budgets. Lucas was greatest when he got other people to direct his films. Lucas was greatest before Rick McCallum showed up as his ultimate “Yes Man”. These two yahoos wasted the last 20-years updating movies from the seventies and eighties and hiring actors like Hayden Christianson to ruin Darth Vader.

Keep: John Williams
Yes, John is in his eighties now but how can he not be involved? Even if he has to score the film while hooked up to breathing tubes on his deathbed, we need to hear more from this god-among-composers. His score is probably the greatest thing about the prequel trilogy and I can’t imagine a Star Wars movie without his genius-ness.
Throw Out: Expanded Universe
I know that hardcore fans are going to hate me for saying this but it needs to be said. The Expanded Universe should not dictate the story of a new trilogy. It’s not that I don’t think the Expanded Universe is cool, I do- but how is any writer going to be able to take the thousands of books, comics, & video games about what happens after Return of the Jedi and introduce it to an audience who have only seen the original films. Are you really going to take valuable screen time to explain the Death of Chewbacca, Luke’s marriage to Mara Jade, Han & Leia’s Twins (plus that other kid who died), and the fact that Boba Fett crawled out of the Sarlacc Pit? I think we need to throw out the EU and start over. Maybe I’m wrong, maybe you will all want to throw me in a rancor pit, but it is something to consider.