Whether you’ve seen the show or not, I am here to
set the record straight about “The Clone Wars”. Here are 5 reasons why no adult
should take this show seriously.
#1 The Prequel Conundrum

The problem with any prequel is that you already know what is going to happen to the characters. No adult is watching this series without having seen Episode III. We know that every major character (expect for maybe Ahsoka) will survive until Episode III. We know that Anakin will later turn into Vader and that every Jedi will eventually be killed (except for Obi-Wan and Yoda). Every time Dooku and Anakin fight, it is only a precursor to their battle in Episode III. Every time Obi-Wan and Grievous fight, it is only a precursor to their battle in Episode III. Every time Palpatine pretends to be good, you know that the Jedi are not going to discover him, even though he is acting suspicious constantly. Which brings me to my next point
#2 Jedi Pawns
fault is it that the Empire exists? It’s the freaking Jedi’s fault that the
Empire exists! Palpatine is using them to take over the galaxy one planet at a
time. The Jedi are bringing Stormtroopers and Star Destroyers to every corner
of the galaxy because they are pawns! If the prequels taught us one thing it is
this. IT’S ALL YODA’S FAULT! He stood toe to toe with Palpatine and never
sensed anything weird going on. He lent the entirety of the Jedi forces to the
war effort even though Jedi are suppose to be defenders of peace. And then when the shit hit the fan he ran to
Dagobah and hid until he died of old age. The end.
#3 The use of Basic
one proves that there is a target-audience difference between the cartoons and
the films. In the cartoons there are no alien languages. Every alien speaks
basic. Even the aliens that spoke other languages in the films, speak basic in
the cartoons. Ziro the Hutt speaks basic. Cad Bane the Duros bounty hunter
speaks basic. The Rodians speak basic. The Twi’leks speak basic. Not only do they
speak basic, but they get weird accents. Suddenly Sy Snootles is a roaring-20s
floozy. Kit Fisto is Jamaican. Aayla Secura is French. The Clone Troopers are
Australian. The Nemoidians are Chinese. Watto
is Jewish. Eeth Koth is Indian. Even Piell is Russian. Shaak Ti is Spanish. But
none of this makes sense. This is bad science fiction. Can you imagine if in
the original Star Wars trilogy Chewbacca spoke basic in a German accent? It
wouldn’t make sense. Wookiees don’t come from fucking Germany they come from
fucking Kashyyk. Bottom line. Aliens don’t speak fucking basic and if they did
they wouldn’t have fucking Earth accents.
#4 The Clone Troopers :
Can’t have it both ways.
the prequels tell us that the Clone Troopers will take any order. They don’t
ever question what they are told. That’s fine. But this cartoon series tells us that
the Clone Troopers are actually individual characters who have a moral sense of
right and wrong. They have names like “Hevy” and “Knuckles” and “Crasher” and
“Pony Boy” and all of them are loyal, Band-of-Brother, pals. Why would these
heroes betray and kill their Jedi commanders? Well apparently at the end of the
series they explain that biochips in the clones brains enabled Palpatine to use
mind-control to have the Clones kill the Jedi. So which is it? Are Clones mindless drones or good-guys with mind-control chips? The prequels basically teach us that there aren't any bad guys in the Star Wars universe. Anakin is really good. Boba Fett is really good. Only Palpatine is evil, yet he single-handedly took over the whole fracking galaxy.
Why would the clones even listen to Palpatine? By the time he gave order 66 he
was unrecognizable and obviously unwell. Sorry, I don’t buy this flip-flopping
clone bullshit. Let’s get back to the original trilogy. Stormtroopers aren’t
clones, they are just men who enlisted for The Empire. They probably aren’t
much different from the Americans who enlist in the US army. But no soldier
needs a mind-control chip implanted in their brains to get them to follow
orders and I doubt a solider is going to betray their commander, just because
some hologram in creepy dark robes told them to. I call bull-shit.
#5 Emotional Connections

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1999 - 2014 |
me the “prequel-era” lasted from 1999 – 2014. “The Clone Wars” is an extension
of Episodes I – III. I don’t care about the characters or the plot. If the new
“Rebels” series and the sequel trilogy does nothing else, it will at the very
least end the reign of Jar Jar, Darth Maul, Count Dooku, Nute Gunray, Boss
Nass, Young Boba Fett, Battle Droids, and Clone Troopers. The past 15 years of
being a Star Wars fan have sucked and I’m ready to get back to the magic that I
felt when I first watched the original trilogy at the age of seven. Fingers