“Bloodline” by Claudia Gray
“Bloodline” Claudia Gray paints the perfect picture of our political reality in
the United States through the lens of the Star Wars Galaxy. In place of the
Republican and Democratic parties we have the Centrists and the Populists
parties butting heads in the Galactic Senate. Leia and other senators have
become frustrated in the inability for the government to actually accomplish
anything due to complete gridlock.
“Bloodline” is Claudia Grey’s second Star Wars novel
after “Lost Stars”. The book takes place 24 years after the Battle of Endor,
about 6 years before “The Force Awakens”. The book focuses almost exclusively
on Leia and her efforts to save the New Republic from political collapse.
Political drama can be tricky in Star Wars, and I would argue that the Prequels
were cursed with it. However, Claudia Grey succeeds at marrying Star Wars to politics
in a fashion that is both thrilling and scarily authentic.

This book also sets up the very beginnings of the
war between The First Order and The Resistance. Leia, of course, plays a big
role in the formation of The Resistance.
Absent from this novel is Ben Solo and Luke
Skywalker. Though they are mentioned several times, Disney is going to keep
silent, for now, about that particular piece of mythology.
Between this book and “Lost Stars”, Claudia Gray is
batting 1000 (or is it 100? I don’t really get Baseball references). Gray’s third
book “Leia: Princess of Alderaan” comes out this September. Unlike “Bloodline”,
it features a young Leia and is for young readers.
Brock’s Star Wars Book
New Disney Universe
Aftermath Trilogy by Chuck Wendig
Stars by Claudia Gray
Old Expanded Universe
Knight Errant by Jonathan Jackson Miller
Shadows of the Empire by Steve Perry
Young Jedi Knights by Kevin J. Anderson
The Thrawn Trilogy by Timothy Zahn
The New Jedi Order Series
Death Troopers by Joe Schreiber
Galaxy of Fear by John Whitman