As summer draws to a close and children return to school so ends "Ewok Month". But here is one last post before the dream of an Endorian summer fades away...

defend their village from many foe, Ewoks would often construct giant traps.
These traps were specifically used to fend off giant Gorax creatures, but they
also worked well against the AT-ST vehicles of the Galactic Empire.

Dulok’s evolved on the Forest Moon of Endor and shared a common ancestor with
the Ewoks. Despite their close relation the Duloks were a violent and warring
were taller than Ewoks and their fur was most commonly shades of green. The
Duloks resided in swamps and caves and referred to the Ewoks as “tree rats”.
Duloks were thought to be more primitive than Ewoks. Though Ewoks often wore
hoods and helmets and sometimes armor, Duloks wore only sparse decorations such
as earings, feathers, bones, or necklaces.
the Ewoks, a Dulok chief led each tribe and theoretically the position was
passed down to male children upon the death of the leader. However, more often
a chief would be usurped through insurrection or regicide.

had round bodies and stick-like limbs. They wore no clothing but used primitive
weapons such as spears and lances. Yuzzums were a hunting society and tamed
tall spider-like beasts called Rakazzaks to aid them in the hunt.
early Ewok designs resembled long-legged-Yuzzums riding on long-legged-mounts
similar to Rakazzak beasts. At one stage of pre-production Yuzzums would appear
alongisde of Ewoks, however the Yuzzums proved too costly to produce and only
one Yuzzum made it into the final cut of “Return of the Jedi”. This Yuzzum is
seen in Jabba’s Palace, not on Endor.

Gorax and Boar-Wolves originated in the 1984 film, “Caravan of Courage”. Both
have also been brought into the new Disney Canon as well.

Sanyassan were an aggressive species that spent much of their history at war.
When not at war, Sanayssan would spend their time drinking, arm-wrestling, or
card playing. The Sanayssan has strict rules against cheating and any attempt
to cheat was punishable by immediate execution.

Sanyassans and Blurrgs first appeared in the 1985 film “The Battle for Endor”.
The Blurrg have reappeared in various Disney-Era Star Wars media including the
trailer for “The Mandalorian”.

it is not commonly known what Wisties feed on, some say they absorbed firelight
and others say they fed on laughter. If the latter is true, it would explain
why Wisties kept peaceful relationships with the other sentient creatures of
Endor. Wisties tended to spread joy in the skies of the night time forests,
even though the forests of Endor were often dangerous, especially at night.
One species quite dangerous to the Endorian skies was the Condor Dragon. Unlike
Wisties, Condors were universally feared by all Endorian creatures great and
small. Awake both night and day, the Condors relentlessly patrolled the air
with their 3-meter wingspan. A thunderous shriek would precede an attack from a
Condor Dragon and then it would capture its prey alive and bring it back to its

Teek were scavengers that were a nuisance to Ewoks. Teeks would sneak into Ewok
villages and steal trinkets. Though the Ewoks found this practice to be
immoral, the Teeks themselves did not consider themselves thieves because they
would always leave behind an item of similar value.

Ewok Month:
Ewok Month Part 1: Ewoks in Comics
Ewok Month Part 2: The Top 15 Ewoks
Ewok Month Part 3: Caravan of Courage
Ewok Month Part 4: Battle for Endor