An Argument Against

altering films in any way.
I just finished watching the "Special Editions" of Star Wars with my wife and it reminded me just how much I dislike the changes he made to the Star Wars films in 1997 and how he continues to alter these films.
There have been at least four major updates to the Star Wars Trilogy since their original release. Hundreds of little changes have been made. Dialogue, sound effects, and music cues have been fiddled with endlessly. Different takes can be seen in different versions of the film. Eventually you have to ask yourself. What is Star Wars? Which version is the real one?
Does Luke say “Blast it, Biggs, Where are you?” or “Blast it, Wedge, where are you?”
Does Threepio say “Oh, this is suicide” or “There’s nowhere to go”
Does Luke say “You were lucky to get out of there?” or
“You’re lucky you don’t taste very good.”
Various versions call for various takes as if Lucas can not make up his mind. I’m not sure if I like all that tinkering, but it was alright up until the special editions in 1997, when Lucas spent 10 million dollars to “fix up” his trilogy.
Various versions call for various takes as if Lucas can not make up his mind. I’m not sure if I like all that tinkering, but it was alright up until the special editions in 1997, when Lucas spent 10 million dollars to “fix up” his trilogy.
A New Hope
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Above = 1997 Jabba (Special Edition) Below = 2004 Jabba (DVD Release) |
In these special editions there are jarring differences, and
nowhere are those differences more jarring than on Tatooine. CGI dewbacks
& banthas are roaming the deserts. Mos Eisly is bigger and Jawas are
falling off of Rontos. The aliens in the cantina have been replaced with new
ones. Dash Rendar’s ship is present. Han talks to a horribly animated Jabba the
Hutt. And, of course, there is the most debated scene in which Han shoots

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Why is this necessary? |
Empire Strikes back was not changed much for the special
edition, which I am thankful for, but there have been a lot of annoying changes
since. For example, in the DVD release they change the actor who plays “The
Emperor” to match the rest of the trilogy. The Emperor is noticeably more evil
& sadistic. Many fans might think this isn’t so bad, but they also change
Boba Fett’s voice to match with Jango Fett’s. He went from sounding like a
brutal killer to sounding like Steve Erwin, the Crocodile Hunter. Did we really
just recast two characters? Was it really necessary?
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Above : 2003 DVD Update with Ian McDiarmid Below : Original throne room scene, voiced by Clive Revill. |
While I have mixed feelings about ANH & ESB getting a makeover, it is indisputable that what they did to ROTJ is unforgivable. It is a totally different movie for Force sake!
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It is so obvious that this isn't a part of the original film. The CGI is horrid |
Let’s start with Jabba’s Palace. Apparently Max Reebo’s Band
was a little boring. But did that really mean they had to add nine characters,
replace the puppets with animations, compose a song called “Jedi Rocks” and
have Boba Fett flirt with the dancers? Did Sebulba really need to be added to the Bluray version? Did the Sarlacc really need dozens of CG tentacles and a beak? Why the hell does a Sarlacc need a beak? Isn’t it suppose to take one-thousand years to digest prey?

After the Empire is defeated, scenes of celebration on Bespin, Tatooine, and Coruscant are shown in addition to the original celebration scenes on Endor and the musical theme "Yub Nub" has been replaced with an entirely new John Williams composition, "Victory Celebration." In the DVD release they even added Naboo to the mix and Jar Jar Binks shouting “Weesa free!” in the background.
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Above: Original film with Sebastian Shaw Below: 2003 Update with Hayden Christiansen |
Alas, adding Jar Jar to Return of the Jedi is not the worse thing Lucas has done to the film. Just before the credit’s roll when we see the force ghosts, we do not see the Anakin Skywalker that just conquered the dark side of the force- that learned from his mistakes. No, no- we see Hayden-Fucking-Christianson.
Now that Disney owns Star Wars I beg them, BEG THEM, to
release versions of the film that do not make fans want to cringe. In fact, if
I were JJ Abrams, I would make it a part of my contract that I get to release
my own directors cut of the original trilogy. I grew up watching these films
and it sucks knowing that Lucas did indeed take memories from my childhood and
pretended they never happened. Yes, Lucas edited and rewrote my childhood. It’s
not rape, but it does feel like he violated something.
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