Series: Republic
Writers: Various
Publication Date: 1998 - 2006

Era: Rise of the Empire Era
Galaxy Date: 32- 20 BBY*
*Before Battle of Yavin
This amazing series follows the state of the galaxy from just before the Phantom Menace until just after Revenge of the Sith. It features many characters from the prequels, yet these comics are considerably darker and ultimately more interesting than the prequel films. Originally this series was simply titled, “Star Wars” though it is not the first or last series to carry that title.

Ki is a pretty good character to follow and he’s a lot more interesting here than he is in the films. He has five wives, even though attachment is forbidden by the Jedi order. Of course the writers of the comic didn’t know this rule because it wasn’t mentioned until Episode II. When Episode II released and the rule became apparent, the writers explained that Ki was allowed to marry, because most Cereans are female- only one male Cerean is born in twenty. Therefore Ki was obligated to help his species procreate.

During the series Ki travels to Tatooine where he meets A’Sharad Hett, a Tusken Raider who has been trained in the Jedi arts by his Tusken father. After the death of A'Shared's father, Ki makes it his mission to train the young man. A’Sharad is an important figure in a later comic series called “Legacy”, but we’ll get to that in future weeks.

Interestingly, Vos also appears in the films. He is based on a background character seen in The Phantom Menace on Tatooine. In the comics he has lost his memory and constantly flirts with the dark side. Vos & Aayla have many dark & dangerous adventures, but eventually the focus of our story shifts again.

Starting with issue 49 published in the summer of 2003, we turn our attention to heroes Anakin Skywalker & Obi-Wan Kenobi who are now in the middle of the Clone Wars. Star Wars fans basically have their choice when it comes to the Clone Wars. They can watch that silly cartoon which focuses on Battle Droids, Gungans, & Hutt Babies or they can choose these comics, which focus on humans. The comics are dark, gritty, and morally ambiguous. The Jedi constantly question which side of the war they should be fighting on. They are collected in Clone Wars Volumes 1 – 9

The series ends with the fate of Quinlan Vos as Vader is hunting down the Jedi Knights who survived order 66. It’s at this point that Star Wars: Republic doesn’t technically end, but is re-launched as Star Wars: Dark Times. Dark Times #1, if you look close at the fine print, is actually Republic #84. Therefore the story doesn’t end, but continues on even today- But we’ll get to that next week.
Overall, Star Wars: Republic is a strong comic. Many fans would rather read these pages, than to have to relive the prequel films. They take place during the same years in the same galaxy, yet these comics show a galaxy darker, deeper, where the lines of light and dark are blurrier. Therefore, I give this long-running series 4 ½ light sabers out of five!
Next week we look at what could be the greatest Star Wars comic series ever written: Dark Times. Until then, Keep Reading!
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