}); The Road to Episode Infinity: Legacy Volume 2 & The Death of Dark Horse

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Legacy Volume 2 & The Death of Dark Horse

Series: Legacy Volume 2
Publication Date: 2013 - 2014
# of Issues: 18
Writers: Corinna Bechko & Gabriel Hardman
Era: Legacy Era

Galaxy Date: 138 ABY*
*After Battle of Yavin

So you take your car to get fixed in some Podunk town in upper-Michigan. The mechanic has a nametag that says “John Lincoln”. You think nothing of it, but little do you know that John is the great, great, great, grandson of the 16th president of the United States, Abraham himself. Mr. “John Lincoln” has a lot in common with Ania Solo.

Ania Solo is the lead character of Star Wars Legacy: Volume 2. Ania works in a junkyard on some backwater planet. She knows of her linage. She is a descendant of Han Solo and Leia Organa Solo- but that doesn’t matter now. Those people died a century ago. Ania inherited no riches or Jedi abilities. She is a nobody. Until one day she finds a lightsaber in a pile of junk.

Legacy Volume 2, as you might have guessed, is the sequel to Star Wars: Legacy. Yet the galaxy looks different now. We plunge further into the future than any Star Wars tale has ever shown us. Perhaps further than we will ever explore. 

The focus is no longer on Cade Skywalker or the crew of the Mynock. Darth Krayt and his Sith Empire have been overthrown. A Triviumvirate now rules the galaxy: a combination of the Galactic Alliance Remnant, The New Jedi Order, and the Galactic Empire. Rebels, Imperials, and Jedi ruling together.

Ania Solo is stuck in the middle of it all. She has no great destiny like Anakin or Luke or Cade. She’s just trying to make her way in a run-down universe. She is more like Han or one of the Fett clan.

 Legacy Volume 2 will be one of the last Star Wars comics published by Dark Horse. Though Dark Horse has been publishing Star Wars comics for 23 years, the rights are transferring to Marvel in 2015 as part as the Disney acquisition of Star Wars. Also ending will be the long-running “Dark Times” series and “Dawn of the Jedi”.

2015 represents a new era for Star Wars. The release of Episode VII will undoubtedly erase much of the last 25 years of Star Wars canon. How relevant will old comics, video games, novels, and television shows really be once they are replaced with new comics, video games, novels, and television shows?

In the end, a story is preserved by our connection to it. Some Star Wars fans will always feel connected to the Dark Horse comics. Some future fans may also discover them one day. But even if the relevancies of these comics are completely erased- it’s been a good ride. Best get reading before the galaxy changes- forever.

Dark Horse Comics

Dawn of the Jedi  Dawn of the Jedi

Tales of the Jedi Tales of the Jedi

Knights of the Old Republic Knights of the Old Republic

Star Wars: Republic Star Wars: Republic
Dark Times Dark Times
Empire & Rebellion Star Wars: Empire & Star Wars: Rebellion
Brian Wood's Star Wars Brian Wood's Star Wars
Dark Empire Dark Empire
Crimson Empire Crimson Empire
Invasion Invasion
Legacy Vol. 1 Star Wars: Legacy
Vector Star Wars: Vector
Legacy Vol. 2 Legacy Volume 2
Infinities Infinities
The Star Wars The Star Wars

Star Wars Tales Star Wars Tales

Marvel Comics

Original Marvel Comics Original Marvel Comics
Star Wars #108 Star Wars #108
Alan Moore's Star Wars Comics Alan Moore's Star Wars Comics

Han Solos Vs. Space Crocodile Han Solo vs. Crocodile in Space

Marvel's New Star Wars Line Catching Up With Comics

Age of Republic Age of Republic
Age of Rebellion Age of Rebellion
Age of Resistance Age of Resistance

Star Wars #1... Again Star Wars #1... Again
Ewoks in Comics Ewoks in Comis
Who is Doctor Aphra Who Is Doctor Aphra

The Last Jedi Expanded Universe The Last Jedi Expanded Universe
Who is Jaxxon Who Is Jaxxon

IDW Comics
Tales from Vader's Castle Tales from Vader's Castle

Return to Vader's Caslte Return to Vader's Castle

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