have read many, many Star Wars books in my day, but Timothy Zahn’s 2017 novel
“Thrawn”, is probably the best I’ve encountered. Before examining why the book
is so good, let’s get some background.

Star Wars fans know Thrawn as a
military genius. Thrawn studies the art and culture of societies in order to
understand their military tactics. He is a rare example (maybe the only example)
of a non-human serving in the high command of the Galactic Empire.
He is also the only character from the old expanded
universe that Disney has reinstated into its new universe. Thrawn was
reintroduced into Star Wars through the television show “Rebels” and Timothy
Zahn’s 2017 book “Thrawn” tells us the backstory of the character for the first

The secondary character of this novel is Eli Vanto.
Eli is also from wild space (which is sort of like being from backwater
Alabama). Eli is good with numbers and simply wants to be an accountant on a
starship or Imperial base someday. Eli is assigned the role of translator for
Thrawn, because Thrawn speaks Sy Bisti, a language used in the Unknown Regions
that even protocol droids aren’t programmed to understand. Eli is not happy
about his role, but tries his best to keep Thrawn out of trouble in the
Imperial Academy. There is a lot of prejudice against both Thrawn and Eli
because they are from backwater worlds and because Thrawn is non-human.

In the original Zahn trilogy (the one from the early
nineties) Thrawn did not survive the third book. It is pretty amazing that
Disney was able to revive the character and bring back Zahn to pen another
Thrawn novel, 25 years later. Thrawn will, no doubt, play an important role in
Rebels season 4, and what ultimately happens to the character in this
brave-new-canon is still very much in the air. I, for one, will be watching
Zahn has written 11 Star Wars novels.
"Thrawn" is his first entry into the new Disney canon.
A Year of Star Wars Books
"Aftermath Trilogy" by Chuck Wendig
"A New Dawn" by Jonathan Jackson Miller
"Thrawn" by Timothy Zahn
"Lost Stars" by Claudia Gray
"Knight Errant" by Jonathan Jackson Miller
"Bloodline" by Claudia Gray
"Ahsoka" by E. K. Johnston
"Before the Awakening" by Greg Rucka
"Kenobi" by John Jackson Miller
"Phasma" by Delilah S Dawson
"From A Certain Point of View"
"Cobalt Squadron" by Elizabeth Wein
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