the green space rabbit, does not belong in the Star Wars universe. Everyone
knows it. By all rights, Jaxxon should be
as undesirable as Jar Jar. Yet, somehow, fans are rooting for the big green
bunny. This week Jaxxon became one of the few characters that have managed to crawl back into the New
Disney Canon after he was wiped from existence.
So, who is Jaxxon?
Eight for Abdula-3
In 1977 the film "Star Wars" initially released to only a few cinemas. Kids had more access to comic books than those few theaters. Therefore, Marvel’s
1977 Star Wars comic series introduced many fans to the franchise. In the fall
of 1977 the monthly comic had finished its coverage of "A New Hope" and began to
publish original stories. “Eight for Abdula-3” was one of those earliest tales.
for Abdula-3” is a “Seven Samurai” tale in which Han Solo and Chewbacca are
hired by a moisture farmer to protect a village from a gang called the Cloud Riders. The Cloud
Riders are a swoop gang who are not well-known in Star Wars fandom but will be
featured in the upcoming “Solo” film. In the comic, Han and Chewie work with six spacers to
protect the village. These spacers include Don-Wan Kihotay (a crazy man who
believes himself to be a Jedi) Amaiza Foxtrain (a pirate / exotic dancer who is
the Star Wars equivalent of Barbarella) and Jaxxon, the big green space rabbit.
the get-go Jaxxon was a loud and unapologetic character. With catchphrases such
as “I ain’t no rodent!” and “Blow it out yer retros!” fans were taken aback by the obtuse bunny. As with many of the early expanded universe missteps (see Stars Wars Christmas Special) the loud-mouthed hare was deemed too silly for Star Wars. Jaxxon appeared in only
four comics before being phased out. The character
was not acknowledged by the Star Wars franchise for over 20 years and fans would
remember him as an early-franchise mistake. By the mid-90s, the Expanded Universe Renaissance
was in full swing and most fans were all too happy to forget about Jaxxon along with the entire 117 issue run of Marvel’s Star Wars line. Yet one fan was not willing
to give up on the Emerald Cottontail. That fan was Pablo Hidalgo.
From Joke to Legend
Hidalgo was a lifelong fan hired by Lucasfilm in the year 2000. In 2001 Hidalgo
placed Jaxxon and Amaiza on the cover of Star Wars Gamer #4, which featured a
Star Wars Role Playing Game article titled "The Starhoppers of Aduba-3". For some younger fans, this was the first they had ever heard of the character. Next, Hidalgo put Jaxxon cameos in the background of two comic books “Rookies: Rendezvous” and “The Clone Wars: Invitation Only”. Jaxxon's popularity slowly began to grow and by 2012,
Jaxxon got third place in a Star Wars Insider Poll which asked fans which
character they would like to see be made into an action figure. Later that year, Jaxxon even crossed
over into Television (sort of). In the Season 5 Clone Wars episode “A Sunny
Day in The Void” a skeleton is featured that resembles Jaxxon.
Disney bought the Star Wars franchise from Lucasfilm, one would have assumed
the Jaxxon references would have ended- but with Pablo Hidalgo now Lucasfilm's Story
Team, the references to the Jade Jackrabbit only increased.
First there was Jaxxon’s cameo appearance on Maravel’s variant cover of “Star
Wars #1” where the main cast of Star Wars was depicted trying to metaphorically shut him out of the franchise. Then there was his duel with Darth Vader on variant covers of “Vader Down” and his turn in Poe's cockpit in a variant cover of “Poe
Dameron”. Most recently Jaxxon appeared in the background of an episode of “Forces
of Destiny”. Then in the Spring of 2018 came the big announcement: Jaxxon was to be re-canonized.
Jaxxon was back.
Jaxxon’s Return
the Spring of 2018 it was announced that Jaxxon would officially return to Star
Wars canon after a 30-year-absence. Both Jaxxon and Amaiza were to be featured
in the children’s comic “Star Wars Adventures Annual 2018” in a story called “The
Lost Eggs of Livorno” by Cavan Scott. The comic does not disappoint. Jaxxon is
back and is as brazen as ever. The 12 page story features the green bunny in 31
of its 48 panels and includes his signature “KCHOP!” kick.
Amaiza, and the Cloud Raiders from “Eight for Abudla-3” alongside of Timothy
Zahn’s Thrawn, Rukh, and Pellaeon are the only characters that were dropped from
canon to ever be reintroduced into the Disney Universe. Though there are currently
rumors and rumblings that fan-favorite Mara Jade could be coming back in a big
way. “Star Wars Adventures” was the perfect medium to bring Jaxxon back from
the forgotten depths of fandom, and fingers crossed we get more Jaxxon in the future.
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