Though I have never struggled to think of Star Wars content, this Blog has focused on many projects over the years. In the Fall of 2013, I started to review Star Wars comics. In the summer of 2017 I focused on book reviews. So a year ago, when I wondered what I would do in 2018 I thought of something new… What would this blog look like if I posted every single week? Could it even be done. Could I continue to think of stuff to write about if I posted once a week for a whole year? Or would my friend turn out to be correct?
A year later I am confident that there is no end to
my interest in blogging about Star Wars. In 2018, I published a blog every week
plus some. Some of those posts were read by 1,000 people and some were read by
no one but myself. But I don’t write because I always want people to read my
posts, sometimes I write because I have no other choice, because I have all
these thoughts inside of me that need to escape.
Going into 2019, my Blog is going to be a much
smaller thing, with a much smaller audience. I’m not going to post once a week.
I might post once or twice a month, but maybe not. With Episode IX a year off,
I'm going to take a much-needed break from that Galaxy Far Far Away.
Week 1- Top 10 Tie Fighters
Week 2- Corellia & Kessel: What we Know
Week 3- The Last Jedi Box Office
Week 4- How to Speak Star Wars
Week 5- Han Solo Trailer
Week 6 Part 1- Luke Skywalker: You Are Not The Jedi That I Used To Know
Week 6 Part 2- The Other Luke Skywalker
Week 7- The Other Princess Leia
Week 8- The Other Han Solo
Week 9- Star Wars at the Oscars
Week 10- The End of “Rebels”
Week 11- Who is Quinlan Vos?
Week 12- Who is Asajj Ventress?
Week 13- Boldly Going…
Week 14- The Voices of Star Wars
Week 15- Who is Agent Narre / Valeria?
Week 16- Who is Camie?
Week 17- Who is Jaaxon?
Week 18 Part 1- Polls (Best Films)
Week 18 Part 2- Polls (Best Characters)
Week 18 Part 3- Polls (Expanded Universe)
Week 19 - What’s new in TV
Week 20 - TV series Ranked
Week 21 - Solo: A Star Wars Story
Week 22 - Aliens of the Cantina
Week 23 - Maul Scene + Future of Franchise
Week 24 - The Strange Story of Snaggletooth
Week 25 - Aliens of The Empire Strikes Back
Week 26 - Solo Box Office
Week 27 - Aliens of Jabba’s Palace
Week 28 - Doubling Down on the Prequels
Week 29 - Episode IX Casting
Week 30- The Mystery of Max Reebo’s Arms
Week 31- Aliens of Max Rebo’s Band
Week 32- Thrawn Alliances
Week 33- The Blu-Ray versions of Star Wars
Week 34- Aliens of the Battle of Endor
Week 35- Who is Vuffi Ra?
Week 36- Who is Willrow Hood?
Week 37- The Many Voices of Marc Thompson
Week 38- Flipping Heads
Week 39- Cloud Riders Unmasked!
Week 40- This Halloween: Darth Vader’s Fortress
Week 41- Star Wars: Resistance
Week 42- Aliens of The Phantom Menace
Week 43- Tales from Darth Vader’s Fortress
Week 44- Han Solo: At Stars End
Week 45- The Last Jedi: Defeminized
Week 1- Top 10 Tie Fighters
Week 2- Corellia & Kessel: What we Know
Week 3- The Last Jedi Box Office
Week 4- How to Speak Star Wars
Week 5- Han Solo Trailer
Week 6 Part 1- Luke Skywalker: You Are Not The Jedi That I Used To Know
Week 6 Part 2- The Other Luke Skywalker
Week 7- The Other Princess Leia
Week 8- The Other Han Solo
Week 9- Star Wars at the Oscars
Week 10- The End of “Rebels”
Week 11- Who is Quinlan Vos?
Week 12- Who is Asajj Ventress?
Week 13- Boldly Going…
Week 14- The Voices of Star Wars
Week 15- Who is Agent Narre / Valeria?
Week 16- Who is Camie?
Week 17- Who is Jaaxon?
Week 18 Part 1- Polls (Best Films)
Week 18 Part 2- Polls (Best Characters)
Week 18 Part 3- Polls (Expanded Universe)
Week 19 - What’s new in TV
Week 20 - TV series Ranked
Week 21 - Solo: A Star Wars Story
Week 22 - Aliens of the Cantina
Week 23 - Maul Scene + Future of Franchise
Week 24 - The Strange Story of Snaggletooth
Week 25 - Aliens of The Empire Strikes Back
Week 26 - Solo Box Office
Week 27 - Aliens of Jabba’s Palace
Week 28 - Doubling Down on the Prequels
Week 29 - Episode IX Casting
Week 30- The Mystery of Max Reebo’s Arms
Week 31- Aliens of Max Rebo’s Band
Week 32- Thrawn Alliances
Week 33- The Blu-Ray versions of Star Wars
Week 34- Aliens of the Battle of Endor
Week 35- Who is Vuffi Ra?
Week 36- Who is Willrow Hood?
Week 37- The Many Voices of Marc Thompson
Week 38- Flipping Heads
Week 39- Cloud Riders Unmasked!
Week 40- This Halloween: Darth Vader’s Fortress
Week 41- Star Wars: Resistance
Week 42- Aliens of The Phantom Menace
Week 43- Tales from Darth Vader’s Fortress
Week 44- Han Solo: At Stars End
Week 45- The Last Jedi: Defeminized
Week 46- The Court Marshall of Poe Dameron
Week 47- Fan Wars: The Politics of Star Wars
Week 48- Aliens of “Attack of the Clones”
Week 49- Aliens of Revenge of the Sith
Week 50- 2018 Book Review
Week 51- Aliens of The Expanded Universe
Week 47- Fan Wars: The Politics of Star Wars
Week 48- Aliens of “Attack of the Clones”
Week 49- Aliens of Revenge of the Sith
Week 50- 2018 Book Review
Week 51- Aliens of The Expanded Universe
52- A Year in Review