
A Gigoron named Moroff was a member of Saw
Gerrera’s rebel cell. Like many Gigorons, Moroff wore a vocoder over his face
to translate his native tongue into Galactic Basic. Many years later, Ymmoss (a
female Gigoron) was a member of The Resistance.
Gigorons first appeared in a 1994 adventure
journal article where they were described as peaceful primates that evolved
from cave-dwellers.

An Iakaru named Bistan joined the Rebellion
after a special Rebel task force arrived on Iakar, seeking medical supplies. In
Rogue One, Bistan was portrayed by Nick Kellington and was known as “Space
Monkey” during filming.

Sometimes the eggs of the Tognath species would
graft together before hatching. In these cases some Tognath were born as
eggmates. Eggmates would often have possess telepathy with each other. The “Two
Tubes” is an example of such eggmates. Bethni and Edrio were mercenaries associated
with Enfys Nests’ Cloud Riders and Saw Gerrera’s rebel cell.
In addition to “Rogue One” and “Solo” the
Tognath egg mates have appeared in “Rebels” and Marvel’s “Star Wars” line.

The Talpini were a short species with a long frowning face. Hair covered the back of their heads and bottom of their chins and were known to come in shades of orange and white. Talpini often worked as spies, since their size allowed them an ability to blend in or hide.
Weeteef was the Talpini that appeared in “Rogue One”. Weeteef is portrayed by Warwick Davis who frequently portrays characters with W names including Wald, Weazel, Wodibin, Wollivan, and Wicket W. Warwick.
Since the release of Rogue One, various members
of the Talpini species have appeared in the video game, “Star Wars Battlefront
II” and the comics “Age of Republic - Jango Fett 1” and “Star Wars: Beckett 1”

The Drabatan were a large mouthed amphibious species native to the planet Pipada. Pipada was rich in natural resources and was quickly targeted by the Empire. Many of the Drabatan population was forced off planet and an imperial blockade was placed around the planet.
One female Drabatan, named Sa’Kalla, was a vocal
opponent of the Imperial invasion of her world. She was later captured and
executed in a public setting. Sa’Kalla became a martyr for the Drabatan people
and many would cry her name before charging into battle.
Drabatans tended to have very long compound
names, including Paodok'Draba'Takat Sap'De'Rekti Nik'Linke'Ti' Ki'Vef'Nik'NeSevef'Li'Kek
who went by Pao for short. Pao was the Drabatan Rebel commando that appeared in
“Rogue One”. Though Pao was originally designed as a spiky haired alien for
“The Force Awakens” who did not appear in the final cut of the film.

Fans would have first glimpsed a Sabat in the
comic “Obi-Wan and Anakin part II” several months before Leevan Tenza
appearance in “Rogue One”. The species was first identified in the “Rogue One:
The Ultimate Visual Guide” Another Sabat was featured in the comic “The Screaming
Citadel Part I” a few months before Gelan Yees appeared in “Solo”.

Cycyed Ock was the member of this species that
appeared in “Rogue One”. He notably wore a cyber-optic wire connected to his
brain to enhance vision and allow him to closely examine Kyber Crystals. Cycyed
Ock also weilded a vibrorang with deadly accuracy.
Another Keredian named Ruk recently appeared in
the book “Choose Your Destiny: A Luke & Leia Adventure”.

Meftians were a strange looking species with black fur covering their bodies and white fur covering their heads. A Meftian by the name of Kullbee Sperado appeared in “Rogue One” as a member of Saw Gerrera's rebel cell.
It is noted in the “Star Wars: Smuggler's Guide”
that both Kullbee Spearado and Cycyed Ock survived the destruction of Jedha in
a Z-95 headhunter. Actor Robert Nairne portrayed Cycyed Ock and Kullbee Sperado
in “Rogue One”.

The Delphidian Durteel Haza appeared in “The
Force Awakens” and another Delphidian that may have been Durteel Haza appeared
in “Rogue One”.
Sidon Ithano, a Delphidian pirate, hid his
appearance under a Kaleesh mask. He was known by many names including
"Crimson Corsair", "Blood Buccaneer", and the "Red

Star Wars Aliens
The Aliens of the Cantina
The Aliens of “The Empire Strikes Back"
The Aliens of Jabba’s Palace
The Aliens of Max Rebo’s Band
The Aliens of the Battle of Endor
Flipping Heads
The Aliens of the Phantom Menace
The Aliens of the Phantom Menace
The Aliens of Attack of the Clones
The Aliens of Revenge of the Sith
Expanded Universe Aliens
Aliens of Podracing
Aliens of Ralph McQuarrie
Aliens of Rogue One
Aliens of The Last Jedi
Aliens of Solo
Aliens of Endor
The Most Obscure Aliens of the Original Trilogy
Aliens of the Mandalorian
Bonus Aliens
Aliens of Star Trek