are Star Wars aliens everyone knows:
Wookiees, Rodians, Twi’leks.
are Star Wars aliens that appear as Lego Mini-figures and are crammed into the
background of comics.
are aliens that people recognize even if they don’t know their real names:
Walrus Man. Snaggletooth.
are not those Aliens.
are the Aliens no one remembers.
are the Aliens that appear for less than a second tucked into the background.
are the most obscure Aliens of the Original Trilogy.
Forgotten. Known by only a few:
fans who keep searching. The fans that must know more.

Keed'kak is the Yam’rii who appeared in “A New Hope”. An action figure of the
character was released in 2006. The Yam’rii species is notebly shut-out from
the new Expanded Universe. The two named Yam’rii characters are no longer canon
and no Yam’rii have appeared in Star Wars content since long before the Disney

Sirln is the Qiraash who appeared in “A New Hope”. On the set of that film she
was identified only as “Weird Girl”. Leesub Sirln is portrayed by English
actress Pam Rose. An action figure was released in 2009.


was the Ranat who appeared in “A New Hope”. On set he was known as
“Rodent" and "Rat Face." A second Ranat character called Nevar
Yalnal appears on the streets of Mos Eisley in the film. An actress named
Saddie Eddon played Reegesk in the film as well as portraying the Imperial spy
Garindan. Reegesk has never been released as an action figure.
were fairly common in the Old Expanded Universe and have appeared in a few
books and comics in the New Expanded Universe (especially those connected to
the TV show “Rebels”).
were an avian species that walked on two long stilted legs. Their long necks
brought them to a height of 3.5 meters (11 ½ feet). When the Imperials arrived
at their home planet of Uaua, they brought with them disease and pollution that
threatened the survival of the Quor’sav. The Quor’sav were a nervous species
and very protective of their eggs which took over a year to hatch.
legs of the Quor’sav can only be seen briefly in A New Hope. They are visible
while Obi-Wan and Luke are selling Luke’s landspeeder. For many years what
appeared above these legs remained a mystery, but in 1997 a Roleplaying manual
featured a full body shot of a Quor’sav showing the species to have bird-like
qualities. Under the new canon this bird-like appearance is not official and
nothing is known about the species other than the fact that they have long
The Quor’sav who appears in “A New Hope” is named Kal'Falnl C'ndros. No action figure of a Quor’sav has ever been released.

The Quor’sav who appears in “A New Hope” is named Kal'Falnl C'ndros. No action figure of a Quor’sav has ever been released.

Duaba was the Stennes Shitfer who appeared in “A New Hope”. On set he was
called Terminal Man, Veiny and Future Man. Trinto Duaba would reappear in “The
Force Awakens” in Maz Kanata’s castle. A Trinto Duaba action figure was
released in 2009. Apart from “A New Hope” & “The Force Awakens”, Stennes
Shifers have almost zero appearences in the old or new Expanded Universe.
Shifters were an offshoot of the Stennes species. A Stennes by the name of
Braconnor Bakiska appeared in the Star Wars Holiday Special.


Puhr was the Sakiyan bounty hunter who appeared in “A New Hope”. He was
referred to as “Coal Man” on set. Djas Puhr’s mold was reused to create a
pale-skinned Sakiyan named “Throp” who appeared in the Star Wars Holiday
Special. Djas Puhr was released as an action figure in 2002.
have actually appeared in quite a bit of new Expanded Universe content
including in several episodes of “The Clone Wars” and “Resistance".

Bimm that appeared in “A New Hope” was named Rycar Ryjerd and played by Marcus
Powell. On set of the film he was known as “Flash Gordon Midget”. A deleted
scene shows Rycar Ryjerd encountering a towering alien (possibly a Quor’sav) in
the streets of Mos Eisley. This shot is retained in the Star Wars Holiday

the 1990s there was confusion about the Bimm species. Timothy Zahn invented the
species for his novel “Heir to the Empire”. The species were depicted as short
humans in the sourcebook companion to the novel and in 1995 the collectable
card game labeled the “Flash Gordon Midget” from the original film a Bimm.
However, a 1995 comic adaption of “Heir to the Empire” showed Bimms as being
floppy eared aliens. Finally a 1998 sourcebook explained that both of these
species are from planet Bimmisaari and are both called Bimm despite having
different biology.
Rycar Ryjerd nor Rayc Ryjerd have ever been released as an action figure.

were a stocky species with green skin and a face full of breathing tubes. They
had sharp teeth which enabled them to scavange decaying carceasses of dead
creatures. Though Skrillings could not see well, they had a keen sense of

Snikin is the Skrilling who appears in “Return of the Jedi”. During the
production of Return of the Jedi there seemed to be confusion as to whether the
character was named Pote Snitkin or Snit Plotkin. A Pote Snitkin action figure
was released as a exclusive in 1999.
are rare in the Expanded Universe, but not unheard of.
Riorians were a snake-like species native to planet Rior.
Riorians were a snake-like species native to planet Rior.

are incredibly rare in the Expanded Universe with no occurrences in the Disney

are incredibly rare in the Expanded Universe and no action figure has ever been
The Five Subspecies of Nikto
Star Wars Aliens
The Aliens of the Cantina
The Aliens of “The Empire Strikes Back"
The Aliens of Jabba’s Palace
The Aliens of Max Rebo’s Band
The Aliens of the Battle of Endor
Flipping Heads
The Aliens of the Phantom Menace
The Aliens of the Phantom Menace
The Aliens of Attack of the Clones
The Aliens of Revenge of the Sith
Expanded Universe Aliens
Aliens of Podracing
Aliens of Ralph McQuarrie
Aliens of Rogue One
Aliens of The Last Jedi
Aliens of Solo
Aliens of Endor
The Most Obscure Aliens of the Original Trilogy
Aliens of the Mandalorian
Bonus Aliens
Aliens of Star Trek