You tend to view movies in a new way when you watch them with adults who have never seen them. For example, I never noticed how long the audience goes without confirmation that Marion survived the truck fireball. I kept thinking "Has the film always been this way?".
Johanna is an honest critic of these films and she has an interesting perspective. She's certainly not the first person to point out that Indiana Jones was totally unnecessary and that the German's would have failed anyway. Big Bang Theory also pointed this out. Personally, I disagree with this assessment. I think if Hitler figured out how to use this weapon, it would have been bad. Jones was there to at least get the Ark in the hands of the Americans. But I could be wrong. Maybe Johanna is right and the ending sucks.
Yet for a fanboy the ending is beside the point. For us fanboys we love Raiders because the scenes are so iconic, so classic. The rolling ball. The pit of snakes. The melting faces of Nazis. The ending is besides the point. The journey is what matters.
Next week Johanna and I tackle "Temple of Doom". Until then!